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Sahaja School of Yoga
by Lucy & Manasi 

Welcome to our yoga academy where we help yoga practitioners take the next step to teaching yoga and creating their own yoga community.

Expand your Impact

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Sept 2025

1 weekend a month over 8 months

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Vast Experience

A combined 2000+ hours of teaching and 20+ years of practice

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A place where your own philosophy can flourish

About The Academy

Lucy and I are excited to partner in this venture to help aspiring yoga teachers take that step towards that goal

Our teacher training program is recognised by and accredited to Yoga Alliance Professionals, UK; a yoga accreditation organisation whose ethos align with our own.






Mentee Experiences

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"Manasi's mentorship gave me the confidence I needed to teach with authenticity. She demonstrated the tools I needed to hold space for others and helped me refine my teaching practice."

- Catie, Dublin

"I couldn’t recommend Manasi’s mentorship program enough. It did so much for my confidence, my belief in myself, and helped me figure out my own personal style as a teacher. This will be a game changer for you!"

- Ruth, Dublin

"Honestly, I could not see myself on my yoga teaching journey without having done Manasi’s course. She is an amazing support. I absolutely recommend the program."

- Céire, Dublin

Get in Touch

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